Pham Tours

Nha Trang Daily Private Cultural Countryside Tour by car  SPECIAL CARE

This tour makes you have more understanding about the cultural of Vietnam and the local.

Depart at 9 am. This is specially tailor-made excursions. Exploring the country trails, village's life, town and farms, pagoda, the best way to experience the "true" Vietnamese countryside. Through countryside trails, villages towns and farms. This countryside tour offers you a fascinating insight into the "real lives" of everyday people who are the backbone of Vietnam. Stop for photos at the rice fields along the road within the hamlet. It depends on the seasons; you may see how local farmers plant or harvest the rice. Farming is the local peoples main job. Driving through miles of flat rice fields to a rural village, enjoy the opportunity to interact with the local people as they go about their daily lives, with farming and cottage industries as their primary source of income.

The village path leads us to the home of one family who weave mats from rushes which grow abundantly in the surrounding area. The whole family live on mat weaving. Two people working together will weave just four mats in a day, which will be taken to the local market and traded for food and other essentials.

Pagoda Orphanage: where it shelters and cares for over 130 abandoned, orphaned or street children. They range from several months to 9 years of age. The children of the orphanage are taken care of by a group of Buddhist nuns and volunteers. Their goal is to provide the children with a safe and caring environment which lessens their misfortune and gives their lives greater purpose and meaning. Being a private organization, the orphanage is trying to provide its children food, shelter, health and education. The nuns and volunteers at the orphanage have devoted their lives for the wonderful mission - helping the orphans. You will learn about the Vietnamese educational system, and you can play and sing with the little children.

Ancient house: these are traditionally laid out in the same manner throughout the village. Ancestor worship is an important part of daily life in Vietnam and a large area of these small houses is usually reserved for the family altar. Then you' ll have a chance to visit a family and a Vietnamese typical country house. Keep an eye on the ancestors shrine. Walk into a small kitchen, a garden, even a bedroom to get the authentic feelings of the local inhabitants. Most of houses are 70 to 150 years old and handed down from generation to generation by the family lineage. The structure of those ancient houses is in the style of the Chinese character Yin. Next, pass through a fruit orchard boasting a plentiful supply of tropical fruits.

Rice paper making: One of the most typical food from rice steamed and processed into round piece dried in the sun on the bamboo brackets that are on sale in the inns or shops.

Conical hat making village:  Manual skill work by women, it's also your gift for your friends when toward home. 

Tourists can take photos of Amitabha Buddha statue at a height of 68 meters.  Have lunch at a riverside restaurant and enjoy river breeze from the countryside.

Including: local guide, admission fees, Vietnamese lunch, fruit in season in the countryside & mineral waters.  

Promenade dans la campagne en voiture

(guide francophone)

Loin des sentiers battus et des itinéraires touristiques, laissez vous guider à la découverte du vrai Viêtnam

Depart: 9 h. Environ 20 kms dans la campagne. Nous vous ferons rencontrer les populations campagnardes pour vous montrer comment ils gagnent leur vie et vous pourrez admirer du haut de points culminants la vue des rizières, des vergers

À votre arrivée au village, vous visiterez tout d'abord sa partie centrale, autrefois occupée par des rizières et le cimetière. Vous y trouverez une pagoda orphelinat. La pagode de Loc Tho est devenue une véritable famille regroupant plus de 130 enfants malheureux. Comme des oiseaux sans nids, les enfants vivant dans la pagode ont connu un destin malheureux. Le plus petit qui dort d’un sommeil tranquille dans son berceau, a été apporté à la pagode lorsqu'il n'avait que quelques jours. La bonzesse Thich Nu Dieu Y et les moines de la pagode firent venir des enfants sans appuis à la pagode. Depuis, ils ont dû travailler beaucoup, jour et nuit, pour subvenir aux besoins de ces enfants. Comme tant d'autres mères, son bonheur est de voir les enfants grandir et réussir. Selon elle, la famille de la pagode orphelinage a été construit par des personnes de bon cœur.  

Vous pouvez prendre une photo de la statue de bouddha a 68 mettres de hauteur.

Visite d'une maison ancienne (plus de 180 ans, vous pourrez y déguster des fruits) Nous avons la chance de pouvoir rendre visite à une famille et d'entrer pour contempler l'intérieur d'une maison de campagne vietnamienne typique. Vous verrez ainsi de vos propres yeux et entrerez dans l'intimité d'un intérieur vietnamien avec l'autel des ancêtres, la cuisine, le jardin et le lit en ébène.

 Activités économiques rurales. Vous pourrez apprécier des activités typiques et traditionnelles des campagnes vietnamiennes telles que:

La confection de braseros, tressage de nattes en jonc (Vous pourrez essayer de tisser),
Les fabrications de chapeaux coniques et de galettes de riz à la vapeur.

Le dejeuner tres exotique vous sera servi au bord de la riviere puis vous rentrerez avec une belle vue sur la riviere et le coeur rempli de bons souvenirs d'une belle excursion.
- Y compris: Voiture, dejeuner, guide francophone, fruits, billets d'entree.
- Non compris: boissons et autres services.

Hotline: 0914047406 or 84-914047406  Mr Dung Pham (English French speaking)  


99% of our tourists recommend our services because we take you to the places where your souls and hearts belong to

Good for handicapped

We called up pham last minute to book a tour and he was very accommodating and suggested which tour would be best that didn't require too much walking for my aunt's sake. We ended up on the cultural tour by an air conditioned van. Pham was very funny and insightful on the locations we visited. I throuroughly enjoyed the back stories told at the orphanage and at the ancient house. The orphanage was beautiful and Pham was very polite enough to take picture of me and my family. He asked us about lunch and we preferred something authentic he suggested a restaurant away from the river due to the weekend rush and it turned out great! The resort he took us to eat was the best food we had in Vietnam and it was calm and beautiful. Also nice that they had Wi-Fi. The food was abundant and cost was covered with the tour. Our morning and afternoon was definitely not boring and if I went into detail about all that was done you would be reading a book. Overall I would definitely recommend the tour with pham and also suggest that if something is wrong or if you have a preference, just tell him.

Dung Pham for President

We would recommend Dung Pham's tour as a superior alternative to the cruise line excursions. We took this tour as part of our Sun Princess trip in April 2014. Dung understands what a good tour operation needs. He was interesting, enthusiastic, pleasant and full of anecdotes and humour. We were able to see a large number of small industries and have a first hand appreciation for the way people live in Nha Trang, including seeing the inside of a very modest house. Just do this tour - you won't regret it. Part of the tour involves visiting a very well run orphanage. If you have a bag or two of clothes your children have outgrown, this would be an excellent opportunity to give them directly to the people who need them. At no point on this tour were we asked for money, but we did have the opportunity to gift money or purchase woven mats, conical hats etc. Excellent.